Set the world on fire…

With the baton for hosting the next Wildfire UK Conference passed on from Ireland to Scotland at the November 2022 conference in Belfast, we are busy making plans and arrangements to host the Wildfire2024, the UK Wildfire Conference in Aberdeen.

With each successive conference setting the bar higher and higher, we certainly have our work cut out, but we are working hard to make sure Scotland does itself proud and puts on a great event for all attendees.

Our theme of “Resilience in a changing World” will allow us to consider how we can prevent, plan for and recover from wildfires and their wider consequences, and acknowledges the challenges that changing climate and the behaviours, expectations and attitudes of the public bring to an already complex situation.

We are busy putting together the key ingredients of the conference including keynote speakers, researchers and resilience experts - all of whom will inform and inspire us across a wide range of topics. Information for early bird bookings is coming soon, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to get your place at what promises to be a must-attend event in the wildfire calendar. You can sign up to our mailing list below to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

Bruce Farquharson

Bruce Farquharson is Deputy Assistant Chief Officer - Head of Training for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Bruce also sits on the Organising Committee for Wildfire 2024.

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